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Abington Bank Elects New Corporators

Abington, Massachusetts — November 19, 2021

At the recent annual meeting of Hometown Financial Group, Jeffrey Carter and Michael Sudofsky were elected to 10-year terms to the Abington Bank board of corporators.

Carter, of Cohasset, is the founder and chief executive officer of Grand Coast Capital Group, a boutique real estate investment firm started in 2013 that focuses on private lending and equity investing in both the U.S. and Ireland. Carter oversees all aspects of the business from the company’s primary office in Cohasset and brings more than 15 years of real estate investment experience totaling over $850M in value. Carter holds a master’s degree in finance from Suffolk University and a bachelor’s degree from Vanderbilt University.

Sudofsky, of Marion, is president of Accel Materials, Inc. and principal of Sky Development Ltd., both in Marion. He earned his degree in engineering and economics from Case Western University and has a strong interest in redeveloping and revitalizing inner cities.


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